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Many Ways to Look at 2020

As the clock ran into the new year, many people looked at 2020 as, "my year!" and "this year's going to be different", but no one predicted that COVID would change so much of this year. Some of us found the massive changes in our lives as short term problems, while others found them to be long term effects. Here is my story.

I was set to continue on the path of my full-time career in theatre, all while grabbing my camera as often as I could between being a parent of two amazing children and a loving supporting husband to my strong and amazing wife. Then COVID hit. My career in entertainment went into a tail spin and I was left trying to figure out what it would do all while being home with my family, as we entertained two small children on a daily basis. What came of it was purely amazing. I found that I was able to be a massive part of my children's day to day activities. I was able to see my baby grow from a sitting little one to a full grown running, screaming, food tossing, motor mouth toddler. I watched my oldest get ready for new adventures and witnessed learn to ride a bike in 1 day (insane). My wife and I bonded more over coffee and beer, often talking about anything and everything. She was able take an extended maternity leave and not miss out on so many of our baby's firsts.

Where my photography began to grow was not in my eye, but in my time. I've been able to see more sunsets than ever before. I often get up VERY early to see the sunrise, but was often working for sunsets. This big change allowed me to see the start and finish of a day. I've been able to work on some of those MANY files that I've been sitting on. And most important - I've had the time to see what I have in front of me and love it - both with career and with my family. My career may be on hold, but my willingness is NOT. My drive is set to FULL and I'm working harder than ever to get my work on your walls and off my computer! I hope 2020 has been a reflective year for many, and continues to force you to work with what it gives you. We can all do this together and maybe come out in 2021 with a different outlook.


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